SCCX-300 称重包装系统
SCCX-300 Weighing Packing System 适合于各种片状、块状、球状、颗粒状且流动性好、易碎怕挤压物料的定量称重于包装。如糖果、圆饼、咖啡豆、膨化食品、种子、瓜子、冷冻食品、宠物食品、果冻、塑料件、小五金、开心果、药材等。
It's suitable to use in packing the high accuracy and easy fragile material, such as puffy food, crispy rice, jelly, candy, pistachio, apple slices, dumpling, chocolate, pet food, etc.
系统组成部分: 振动给料机、Z型上料机、10斗电脑组合秤、操作平台、自动包装机
System include: Shaking feeder, Z type feeder, 10-head weigher, Platform, Packing machine.